Teaching journalists
Gerry Kreibich looks back at the early days
Debbie Coxon (Debbie Wilkinson as was) has come up with this great group picture of the 1973/4 year at Richmond. She struggled to name every single face . . . but Gerry Hunt (third from the left on the front row, in the - er - distinctive cardigan) came to the rescue, with a little help. See his e-mail beneath the picture . . . (Gerry has since retired as Foreign Editor of the Daily Mail)

Gerry Hunt's e-mail . . .
OK, I've cracked it! Taking the back row as one long, up and down, line and then the middle and front rows being both made up of six, the names are: Back row: Gavin Summers, John Hadfield, Alan Biggs, Russ Newton, Martin Ross, Will Venters, Janina Stachura, Ian Leyburn, Martin Jarred, Neil Benson, Janice (two dots over the i) Mullins, and Mark Graham. Middle row: Lynne Francis (deceased), Liz Dix, Wee Willie Auckland, Annette Gartland, Maggie Wordsworth, Christine Moss, Debbie Wilkinson. Front row: Elaine Flatters, Judith Dunn, Gerry Hunt, Ray Fisher, John Goodwin, Judith Durbar.
This was a joint Hunt/Benson Production, brought to you courtesy of brains and memories not yet destroyed totally by decades of drink. All RightsReserved. (Neil came up with several I didn't know, although I claim the £5 prize for recognising Lobby Ludd - Gavin Summers - the last piece of the jigsaw.)
Gerry (Kreibich, that is) writes: If you spot yourself on this picture, do drop me a line and tell us all where you are nowadays. My address is on the Letters Page.